Thursday, July 23, 2009

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I hate Cancer too!

It's always hard to say good bye to someone that you have known for so long. Michelle battled Ovarian cancer for years, never wavering in her optimism.

What to say about someone that touched every part of your life? From the time that I was in diapers and she was just a teenager discovering what the world held - to the last New Years that we spent as adults.

Dogs were our bond, our family connection. Who would have thought that there were three families that would be forever bonded by some big, drooling hairy Newfoundlands? The Langell/Parsons family, meets the Simpson/Miller family, meet the Laidley family.

So many memories, so hard to imagine that one of the key players is now laid to rest.

Rest in Peace you wonderful Mother, Wife, Daughter, Sister, Friend, and Warrior.

Love always.

Monday, July 13, 2009

"Just wait 'till you're a parent! I hope you have one just like yourself."

Work day for me today, translation - Grandparent day.

Mom took the kids for a longer today then normal, Sean is taking a course - a gun coarse (whole other story).

So the kids are usually picked up by Sean when I work, they get the benefit of a Grandma cooked dinner and all the "rules" that go along with those wonderful meals! Here I am heading out there, later then usual...expecting to pick them up and go. Well mom had made a wonderful late meal for us to all enjoy - FISH. We as a Laidley clan are not fish eaters. I have personally never enjoyed fish, Sean either. This said the kids simply do not eat it.

Anyone who knows my Mom Dee knows you eat what is on your plate and you like it! Olivia is greatly opposed to this rule.

Olivia - "I DON'T EAT FISH"

Dee - "You will eat all the fish on your plate or you stay over, I'll drive you home in the morning after you have finished it"

Olivia - Tears.....

Wow is she stubborn! and I know where she gets it from! 4 plus generations of stubborn, hard headed women in my family. Yes Mom I'm talking about you, Nana and yes I'll admit it...myself!

You know those moments when you are a child, refusing to do what your parent asks you to do? Then they say "I hope you have a child just like yourself when you grow up!" Well that time has come. Olivia is my "mini-me" complete with her own opinions, stubborn personality and chaotic bedroom.

Oh wish me luck, and did I mention she's only 6?

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Kitty in the drawer.

Kids can be so very entertaining, and mind blowing at the same time. as you may have gathered we have a "few' animals around this place. Our newest addition is a black and white cat aptly named "Blizzard'. He is a sweet young thing that loves his time with and without the kids.

Colton, my youngest love to play with the animals - especially this poor kitten. He lifts him, flips him and cuddles him to within an inch of his life. Today I get home from work to feed the animals. Blizzard does not come to help me as he always does.

"Kids - where is Blizzard? I hope you didn't let him out, did you lock him in your rooms?"

I head up the stairs to find Colton's door closed, open it..."Blizzy, Kitty Kitty" nope. shh what do I hear? "MEOW"

"Olivia, did you just Meow?"

"no Mommy"

Meow.... What the...? he was in Colton's T-shirt drawer!

"Colton, why did you do that?" trying REALLY hard not to laugh (cruel but funny, really!)

"I wanted to play with him later." hmmmm. Ahhhhh.


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Procrastination, my entry into Blogland

Has anyone else ever "decided" to start blogging just to avoid housework? I have to say that the Procrastination list has dwindled...and after reading a few blogs posted by friends I decided "Yes Sheri this is the next "thing" you could do!"
I have excessively explored Facebook, taking the "What would your Stripper name be" and like quiz's and additively plowed and planted on FarmTown. If my previous Internet "Social Networking" activities reflect upon my ability to submerge myself in a mind controlling Medium...this should get very interesting!

OK the laundry "beeped" and I need to think about how this is going to should be mildly entertaining blog once I get rolling.
